Applied Materials (AMAT) Announces New Multiple Screen Printing Technology

Applied Materials just announced the release of a new multiple screen printing technology called BacciniEsatto. The new technology works with Applied Materials’ Baccini back-end solar cell processing systems to allow the production of more efficient solar cells. The increases efficiency can be as much as .5% and are achieved by “enabling the fabrication of advanced contact structures,” according to this press release.

In the press release, Davide Spotti, vice president and general manager of Applied`s Baccini Cell Systems division, explained the new technology:

“Currently being used in customer production, Esatto Technology demonstrates our commitment to rapidly advance crystalline silicon technology by providing comprehensive solutions that enable higher efficiency. Working with leading suppliers to optimize consumable materials and printing techniques, we`ve created a unique capability to help customers quickly deploy advanced cell patterns in production environments and bring their higher value products to market.”

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