ZAP Receives 100 Scooters Powered By Advanced Battery Technologies (ABAT)

ZAP has received a shipment of 100 electric vehicles powered by larger-format polymer lithium-ion batteries from Advanced Battery Technologies. This first shipment was for Zappy3 Li personal transporters, but the two companies plan to expand their partnership into larger vehicles soon, such as pickups, vans and the Alias roadster model that ZAP is developing.

In a press release, ZAP CEO Steve Schneider explained why Advanced Battery Technology’s batteries make such a difference:

“You can jump on a Zappy3 Li with lithium batteries and immediately notice a difference. Compared to lead acid batteries, these new batteries make electric vehicles lighter, faster and more responsive. These are some of the first larger-format lithium batteries that are in volume production.”

“ZAP has the advantage of producing a wide selection of versatile, affordable electric vehicles that we will use as test beds for new technologies like those available from ABAT,” said Schneider. “As automotive-designed, large-format lithium pricing continues to come down, the standardization of this power source will help to propel electric vehicle sales to higher levels.”

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