The nine month takeover drama between NRG Energy and Exelon Corporation is over. NRG shareholders voted to reject the bid yesterday by refusing to elect Exelon’s nominees for NRG’s Board of Directors. They also refused to expand the size of NRG’s Board to include additional Exelon candidates. According to NRG, 75% of its shareholders voted against Exelon.
In an article in the New York Times, Exelon’s CEO John W. Rowe made the following comment:
“The … Read the rest
The takeover drama between Exelon Corp and NRG Energy may finally come to a close today, as shareholders from NRG gather to vote on whether to not to elect Exelon’s chosen directors to NRG’s Board.
If the directors are not elected, Exelon will walk, and eventuality that is looking increasingly likely according to Reuters.
Right now, Exelon is offering 0.545 Exelon shares per NRG share. NRG has said it believes the offer is too low, … Read the rest
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