Tag Archives: vrnm

Verenium Corp (VRNM) Could Fall Off The NASDAQ

Verenium Corporation has been given a warning by NASDAQ.  The company is in violation of Marketplace Rule 4450 (b)(1)(A), which states that

Companies affiliated with NASDAQ Global Market must maintain a minimum market capitalisation of $50 million. As an alternative, a company may maintain total assets and total revenues of $50 million each for the most recently completed year (In this case 2007) or for two of the three most recent fiscal years.

Verenium … Read the rest

Ethanol Shares Up Based On Talk About Industry Consolidation (AVR, BIOF, PEIX, VRNM)

Rumors of imminent consolidation in the ethanol industry gave some of the industry’s major players a stock market boost on Wednesday. Poet LLC, the biggest fish in the ethanol pond, announced this week that it was considering snapping up some its competitors. Poet isn’t naming any names, but bankrupt VeraSun announced it had received a takeover bid from another unnamed ethanol company.

From MSN MoneyCentral, here’s a brief rundown on how ethanol share prices … Read the rest