And another installment in the drama between NRG and Exelon…NRG Energy, struggling to defend itself from a hostile takeover by Exelon, has filed a lawsuit against Exelon. In the suit, NRG claims that Exelon’s offer to NRG shareholders was a "sham" intended to compel NRG to negotiate and that Peco Energy customers could see a dramatic increase in their electric bills in the event of a takeover.
Here are more details on the suit from … Read the rest
Exelon Energy has introduced a new product, the Emission-Free Energy Certificate, to help its business customers demonstrate their environmental commitment to the public. The certificate will be offered initially to existing commercial and industrial customers as part of a pilot program.
Each certificate will cover a certain amount of renewable energy. Customers who purchase solar PV, solar thermal, wind or wave energy would be eligible for certificates showing the amount of emissions-free energy purchased. The … Read the rest
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