Tag Archives: RZ

Raser (RZ) To Showcase Hybrid Hummer H3 At US Capitol Tomorrow

Raser Technologies (RZ) popped nearly 20% today once news was released that it will showcase the 100 mpg Electric Hummer H3 at the US Capitol tomorrow at 2pm EST, allowing members of Congress to test drive the vehicle.  No way I’d let Barney Frank get behind the wheel of the Hummer, let alone a riding lawn mower.  At any rate, should be a good photo op for Raser which will supply the power train for … Read the rest

Raser Technologies (RZ) Receives Geothermal Power Plant Of The Year Award

Raser Technologies just announced that it has received the Geothermal Power Plant of the Year Award at the annual ELECTRIC POWER Conference. The award recognized Raser’s first geothermal plant for its "key technologies and developments for power generation plants," according to a company press release.

"We are honored to be recognized by the industry and our peers for our efforts and success in building an exemplary power plant. We are continuing to develop our … Read the rest

Raser Technologies (RZ) Will Begin Booking Geothermal Revenues Next Quarter

Raser Technologies (RZ) reported earnings this morning a bit better than expectations with a loss of .10/share vs expectations of a .12/loss.  The financial results this quarter aren’t all that important in my opinion since the company won’t begin booking revenues for its Hatch plant until next quarter.  Here are some comments from the CEO..

“We are now delivering clean, renewable power from our Hatch geothermal power plant to the City of Anaheim as part … Read the rest

Raser’s (RZ) New Low Temperature Geothermal Plant Online in Utah

Okay, so this isn’t quite as sexy as a 100 MPG hybrid hummer, but Raser just announced that its new Hatch Geothermal Power Plant is up and running in Utah. Normally, geothermal plants take years to start production, but Raser took only 5 months to power up this plant.

How did they do it? Basically, the plant uses an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), with parts modified from industrial air conditioners. Using off-the-shelf, mass produced components … Read the rest

Rodman & Renshaw: Raser Technologies (RZ) Compelling But Still Speculative

According to StreetInsider.com, Rodman & Renshaw is out this morning with an analyst note on Raser Technologies (RZ) and initiating coverage with a Market Perform/Speculative Risk rating.  The highlights:

– company has compelling geothermal resources and relevant technology
– will benefit from renewable energy mandates
– unique modular deployment
– capital intensive nature of the business which needs financing may weigh on the stock in the current environment
– company still fine tuning its … Read the rest

Utah Signs Renewable Energy Bills At Raser’s (RZ) Hatch Plant

When you think of renewable energy leadership at the state level, you typically think of California but Utah is making some announcements this morning indicating they want to join the party. 

At Raser Technologies (RZ) Hatch geothermal plant in Thermo, Utah governor Jon Huntsman signed two renewable energy bills that will aim to upgrade the electrical grid and provide tax incentives to green projects.

Senate Bill 76 establishes a Renewable Energy Transmission Authority which will … Read the rest

Raser Technologies (RZ) Obtains $7 Million Refund From UTC

Raser Technologies just announced that it has restructured a purchase agreement with United Technologies Corp., resulting in a $7 million refund from UTC to Raser. The $7 million came from a deposit made for an order of United Technologies’ PureCycle(R) power systems. Under the new purchase agreement, Raser will continue to buy PureCycle Units from UTC, and UTC has agreed to keep at least 50 on hand at all times to make sure they are … Read the rest

Raser’s (RZ) Hatch Plant Begins Delivering Geothermal Power to Anaheim

The geothermal Hatch plant (previously named the Thermo plant), named after Utah Senator Orrin Hatch has begun delivering geothermal power to Anaheim.  Raser Technologies (RZ) leases the large geothermal resource in Beaver County, UT which is expected to deliver 10 – 11MW of geothermal power, enough to light up 9000 homes in Anaheim.  The city of Anaheim has signed a 20 year power purchase agreement to receive clean electricity from the Hatch plant.  Independent … Read the rest

Raser Technologies (RZ) Will Showcase Plug-In Hybrid SUV

Truck and SUV owners may soon be able to have their cake and eat it, too. Raser Technologies just announced that it will showcase an extended-range plug-in hybrid SUV that gets over 100 miles per gallon at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Congress in Detroit. And, according to Raser, it’s fast and powerful enough to satisfy even the  toughest drivers.

Hotstocked.com has a description of the vehicle:

The four-wheel drive vehicle that was developed

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